API Reference¶
This section contains SDK Reference documents for all iOS, Android, Ionic Capacitor and React Native versions. You may access each of them from the sections below:
- iOS SDK Reference - v8.14
- iOS SDK Reference - v8.13
- iOS SDK Reference - v8.12
- iOS SDK Reference - v8.11
- iOS SDK Reference - v8.10
- iOS SDK Reference - v8.9
- iOS SDK Reference - v8.8
- iOS SDK Reference - v8.7
- iOS SDK Reference - v8.6
- iOS SDK Reference - v8.5
- iOS SDK Reference - v8.4
- iOS SDK Reference - v8.3
- iOS SDK Reference - v8.2
- iOS SDK Reference - v8.1
- iOS SDK Reference - v8.0
- Android SDK Reference - v8.14
- Android SDK Reference - v8.13
- Android SDK Reference - v8.12
- Android SDK Reference - v8.11
- Android SDK Reference - v8.10
- Android SDK Reference - v8.9
- Android SDK Reference - v8.8
- Android SDK Reference - v8.7
- Android SDK Reference - v8.6
- Android SDK Reference - v8.5
- Android SDK Reference - v8.4
- Android SDK Reference - v8.3
- Android SDK Reference - v8.2
- Android SDK Reference - v8.1
- Android SDK Reference - v8.0
Plugin Name: PointrPlugin
declare let PointrPlugin: any;
PointrPlugin.<function>(<successFunction>, <errorFunction>, <param1>, <param2>..)
You can pass in an empty function as the success and error functions, or just leave them empty. The downside of this is that you will not be notified of the success or error of the call. Also, if you leave these two parameters empty, you will need to add the params as an array construct.
All PointrPlugin methods ensure that Pointr SDK starts and downloads the needed data. You only need to call ‘initialize’ method to specify your Pointr environment.
If you do not know the siteExternalIdentifier, buildingExternalIdentifier or poiInternalIdentifier, you should first check the Guides of our Pointr Cloud Dashboard on docs.pointr.tech, then enter your designated Pointr Cloud API instance to get these values for your instance.
function initialize(licenseKey: String, environment: String, logLevel: Integer)¶
This method needs to be invoked before calling any other function from PointrPlugin. It takes in two required parameters; licenseKey and environment, which specifies the environment and its corresponding licensekey. The environment can be the following;
- “Prod” -> For Production environment
- “QA” -> For QA environment
- “Dev” -> For Dev environment
The last parameter ‘loglevel’, will be used to specify the log level Pointr SDK will use. If nothing is specified, it will default to VERBOSE, which will show all logs.
- DEBUG (1)
- INFO (2), default mode.
- ERROR (4)
Example usage:
function() {
console.log("Pointr initialize success");
function(error) {
You need to call this method before using the PointrPlugin, or else the methods will be unusable.
function is not supported for Pointr Mobile SDK 8.14 and above. This function is depracated. Use initializeWithoutContent
function initializeWithoutContent(onSuccess: function, onFailure: function, clientId: string, licenseKey: string, baseUrl: string, logLevel: number)¶
This method needs to be invoked before calling any other function from PointrPlugin. It takes four parameters: client identifier, license key, base url and log level. If not provided log level is configured to be VERBOSE.
Example usage:
PointrPlugin.initializeWithoutContent({}, {}, "<CLIENT_ID>", "<LICENSE_KEY>", "<BASE_URL>", 4);
function shouldRequestPermissionsAtStartup(shouldRequest: boolean)¶
This methods defines whether or not to fire permission pop ups as soon as Pointr instance turns into RUNNING state.
Example usage:
PointrPlugin.shouldRequestPermissionsAtStartup({}, {}, false);
function start()¶
This method will start the SDK in the background. The integration developer does not need to call this method, all plugin methods ensure Pointr is running before executing the commands. This is for advanced developers who want the Pointr engine to be warmed up before utilizing the plugin methods.
Example usage:
function() {
console.log("Pointr is running");
function(error) {
function showPoiDetails(siteExternalIdentifier: String, poiInternalIdentifier: String)¶
This method will start the PointrMapWidget, highlighting the poi associated with the given poiInternalIdentifier, and showing its details screen. If there are no Pois associated with the given poiInternalIdentifier, the error function will be invoked.
Example usage:
function() {
console.log("Showing Poi Details");
function(error) {
function showPathfindingToPoi(siteExternalIdentifier: String, poiInternalIdentifier: String)¶
This method will start PointrMapWidget creating a path session between the current user location and the poi associated with the given poiInternalIdentifier. If the user is not on site at the time this method is called, the path will not be calculated. If there are no pois associated with the given poiInternalIdentifier, the error function will be invoked.
Example usage:
function() {
console.log("Successfully routing to poi");
function(error) {
function showPathfindingBetweenPois(siteExternalIdentifier: String, sourcePoiInternalIdentifier: String, destinationPoiInternalIdentifier: String)¶
This method will start PointrMapWidget creating a static path between the Poi associated with the sourcePoiInternalIdentifier and destinationPoiInternalIdentifier. The static path will be shown on map, and the pois will be highlighted. If there are no pois matching either of these identifiers, it will give an error and invoke the error function.
The integration developer should call the clear() function to clear the path from the map. Pointr Map Widget does not have an out of the box UI to clear the path.
Example usage:
function() {
console.log("Successfully showing route between two pois");
function(error) {
function clearPath()¶
This method will clear the path if there is a valid PointrMapWidget instance created.
Example usage:
function showSite(siteExternalIdentifier: String)¶
This method shows the PointrMapWidget, focused on the site associated with the given siteExternalIdentifier. If there are no sites matching this externalIdentifier, the error function will be invoked.
Example usage:
function() {
console.log("Successfully showing site");
function(error) {
function showBuilding(siteExternalIdentifier: String, buildingExternalIdentifier: String)¶
This method shows the PointrMapWidget, focused on the building associated with the given buildingExternalIdentifier. If there are no buildings are sites matching the given identifiers, the error function will be invoked.
Example usage:
function() {
console.log("Successfully showing building");
function(error) {
function showLevel(siteExternalIdentifier: String, buildingExternalIdentifier: String, levelIndex: Integer)¶
This method shows the PointrMapWidget, focused on the level inside the building associated with the given buildingExternalIdentifier. If any of these identifier do not have a match within the environment, the error function will be invoked.
Example usage:
function() {
console.log("Successfully showing level");
function(error) {
function showMap()¶
This method will show the standard PointrMapWidget, defaulting to the first available building. As long as there is at least one building with one level, this method will succeed.
Example usage:
function() {
console.log("Map should be visible");
function(error) {
function highlightPoi(siteExternalIdentifier: String, poiInternalIdentifier: String)¶
This method will show the PointrMapWidget, highlighting the Poi associated with the given poiInternalIdentifier. It will not show the details sheet for this Poi. If there are no pois matching the given identifier, the error function will be invoked.
Example usage:
function() {
console.log('Zoomed to Poi');
function(error) {
console.log('Could not zoom to poi: ' + error);
function getCurrentLocation(typeOfClosestPoi: String, timeOutInSeconds: Integer, distanceThresholdForClosestPoiInMeters: number)¶
This method will return the current location of the user, in the format of the Location schema. It will return either GPS or BLE position. If the user is indoor, it will return position calculated from BLE signals, if the user is outdoor, it will return position calculated from GPS signals. If both position are unavailable, it will not be able to return location, and error after timeOutInSeconds. Both of the arguments are optional. Upon calling this method, if the user does not have a position, it will wait 60 seconds on the background by default. Within this period, if the user has a valid position, it will return this position. If not, it will invoke the error function. The wait time can be modified by using the “timeOutInSeconds” parameter. The “typeOfClosestPoi” parameter, will be used to return the title and identifier of the closest poi of this type to the current user location not more than distanceThresholdForClosestPoiInMeters
meters away which is 5 meters by default. This parameter should include the type code of the Poi as seen in the Pointr Cloud dashboard.
Example usage:
function(carLocationJson) {
console.log("PointrPlugin user location: " + carLocationJson);
carLocation = carLocationJson;
function(error) {
console.log("Error while marking user location: " + error);
function showPathfindingToLocation(destinationLocationJson: String)¶
This method will show the PointrMapWidget with a pathfinding session created from the current location to the given destination location json. If the destination location json is not given, the error function will be invoked.
Example usage:
```JavaScript var locationJson: string = { “buildingExternalIdentifier”: “buildingExternalIdentifier”, “latitude”: 42.36770910711787, “levelIndex”: 10, “longitude”: -71.02113817224804, “poiInternalIdentifier”: “poiInternalIdentifier”, “siteExternalIdentifier”: “siteExternalIdentifier”, “title”: “poiTitle” }
PointrPlugin.showPathfindingToLocation( function() { console.log(“Successfully taking user to wanted location”); }, function(error) { console.log(“Could not take user to location: ” + error); }, locationJson );
## function setPathfindingMode(pathfindingMode: Integer)
This method will set the pathfinding mode of Pointr Pathmanager. It takes in a pathfindingMode integer as an argument. This is useful for integration developers who want to develop accessible routes, or easy routes for the elderly. This will only take effect during runtime. The integration developer should persist this value if they want the behavior to be persisted. If no argument is passed, the error function will be invoked. The default pathfinding mode is NORMAL.
* NORMAL (0), default mode, shortest path, might use paths that are not appropriate for people with mobility issues, for example staircases that can't be traversed with walker devices for elderly people or crutches.
* EASY (1), this mode attempts to reduce amount of steps needed, using any transportation methods that move the user, but it might include methods that don't fit wheeled vehicles, such as escalators.
* ACCESSIBLE (2), on this mode escalators and other places that don't fit small wheeled vehicles are avoided, intended for usage with wheelchairs, gurneys, trolleys and so on. It will rely on elevators and ramps.
Example usage:
To set the mode to ACCESSIBLE
function() {
console.log("Successfully set pathfinding mode to: ACCESSIBLE");
function(error) {
function loadDataForSite(siteExternalIdentifier: String)¶
This method loads the content asynchronously for the site that is associated with the given siteExternalIdentifier. If there is no site associated with the given identifier, the error function is invoked.
This method is for advanced developers who want to load the data for the associated site before utilizing the Pointr methods. This allows faster action time when the user first interacts with the Pointr map. All Pointr Plugin methods ensure that the data is loaded, so calling this is not a requirement but a nice to have.
Example usage;
function() {
console.log("Successfully loaded data for site");
function(error) {
function shouldHideRouteSummaryView(shouldHide: Boolean)¶
This method allows the integration developer to choose to hide the Pointr Route Summary View. Depending on the given argument, shouldHide: Boolean, PointrMapWidget hides or shows the Route Summary View.
Example usage:
If the developer wants to hide the route summary view
function() {
console.log("Successfully hidden route summary view");
function(error) {
After completing the steps in Setting Up React Native Project guide, access Native Module for Pointr in your App.js via:
import PTRNativeLibrary from './PointrModule'
All PTRNativeLibrary methods ensure that Pointr SDK starts and downloads the needed data. You only need to call ‘initialize’ method to specify your Pointr environment. Due to an issue with React Native, the addListener method of EvenEmitter requires starting Pointr SDK via the start method below in advance.
If you do not know the siteExternalIdentifier, buildingExternalIdentifier or poiExternalIdentifier, you should first check the Guides of our Pointr Cloud Dashboard on docs.pointr.tech, then enter your designated Pointr Cloud API instance to get these values for your instance.
PTRNativeLibrary Namespace¶
initialize(licenseKey: string, baseUrl: string, clientIdentifier: string environment: string, logLevel: number)¶
This method needs to be invoked before calling any other function from Pointr React Native module. The environment can be the following;
Environment variable¶
- “PROD” -> For Production environment
- “QA” -> For QA environment
- “DEV” -> For Dev environment
The last parameter ‘loglevel’, will be used to specify the log level Pointr SDK will use.
Log levels¶
- INFO (2)
- ERROR (4)
Example usage:
You need to call this method before using other methods provided through PTRNativeLibrary, or else the methods will be unusable.
start(callback: (state) => void)¶
This method will start the SDK in the background. The integration developer does not need to call this method, all module methods ensure Pointr is running before executing the commands (Due to an issue with React Native, only the addListener method of EvenEmitter requires starting Pointr SDK in advance). This is for advanced developers who want the Pointr SDK to be warmed up before utilizing its methods.
Example usage:
PTRNativeLibrary.start( state => {
console.log(`Pointr state: ${state}`);
Stops the SDK.
Example usage:
showSite(siteExternalIdentifier: string, animationType: number, callback: (error) => void)¶
The method will start Pointr if not started and present PointrMapWidget with given site if it was not presented before. If PointrMapWidget is already on screen it will load the given site.
animationType and callback paramters of show apis¶
All methods that start with ‘show’ in our api accept animationType and callback as last 2 parameters.
In all, ‘animationType’ can be 3 different values.
* NONE (0)
And the ‘callback‘ function gets invoked with a string error parameter upon function termination. It will be empty string if there is no error.
Example usage:
PTRNativeLibrary.showSite("<siteExternalIdentifier>", 0, error => {
console.log(`Show site error: ${error}`);
showBuilding(siteExternalIdentifier: string, buildingExternalIdentifier: string, animationType: number, callback: (error) => void)¶
The method will start Pointr if not started and present PointrMapWidget with given building in given site if it was not presented before. If PointrMapWidget is already on screen it will load the given building.
Check here for the description of ‘animationType’ and ‘callback‘ parameters.
Example usage:
PTRNativeLibrary.showBuilding("<siteExternalIdentifier>", "<buildingExternalIdentifier>", 0, error => {
console.log(`Show building error: ${error}`);
showLevel(siteExternalIdentifier: string, buildingExternalIdentifier: string, levelIndex: number, animationType: number, callback: (error) => void)¶
The method will start Pointr if not started and present PointrMapWidget with given level in given building and site if it was not presented before. If PointrMapWidget is already on screen it will load the given level.
Check here for the description of ‘animationType’ and ‘callback‘ parameters.
Example usage:
PTRNativeLibrary.showLevel("<siteExternalIdentifier>", "<buildingExternalIdentifier>", 0, 0, error => {
console.log(`Show level error: ${error}`);
showPoiDetails(siteExternalIdentifier: string, poiExternalIdentifier: string, animationType: number, callback: (error) => void)¶
The method will start Pointr if not started and present PointrMapWidget with given poi highlighted and its details displayed, if it was not presented before. If PointrMapWidget is already on screen it will load the details for given poi.
Check here for the description of ‘animationType’ and ‘callback‘ parameters.
Example usage:
PTRNativeLibrary.showPoiDetails("<siteExternalIdentifier>", "<poiExternalIdentifier>", 0, error => {
console.log(`Show poi error: ${error}`);
showPathFindingToPoi(siteExternalIdentifier: string, poiExternalIdentifier: string, animationType: number, callback: (error) => void)¶
The method will start Pointr if not started and present PointrMapWidget with path finding started to given poi, if it was not presented before. If PointrMapWidget is already on screen it will load the path for the given poi.
Check here for the description of ‘animationType’ and ‘callback‘ parameters.
Example usage:
PTRNativeLibrary.showPathFindingToPoi("<siteExternalIdentifier>", "<poiExternalIdentifier>", 0, error => {
console.log(`Show pathfinding error: ${error}`);
This method will return the current location of the user, in JSON format. It will return either GPS or BLE position. If the user is indoor, it will return position calculated from BLE signals, if the user is outdoor, it will return position calculated from GPS signals. The method will start Pointr if not started before.
Location JSON structure:
"siteExternalIdentifier": "siteExternalIdentifier",
"siteInternalIdentifier" : "siteInternalIdentifier",
"buildingExternalIdentifier": "buildingExternalIdentifier",
"buildingInternalIdentifier": "buildingInternalIdentifier",
"levelIndex": 10,
"latitude": 42.36770910711787,
"longitude": -71.02113817224804
Example usage:
PTRNativeLibrary.getCurrentLocation(location => {
console.log(`Show pathfinding error: ${JSON.stringify(location)}`);
showPathFindingBetweenPOIs(siteExternalIdentifier: string, sourcePoiExternalIdentifier: string, destionationPoiExternalIdentifier: string, animationType: number, callback: (error) => void)¶
Function to draw a static path between two POIs that are on the same given site. As the naming of the inputs suggest, - siteExternalIdentifier: string external identifier of the site that pois are within - sourcePoiExternalIdentifier: string external identifier of the source poi. path is going to start from this location. - destinationPoiExternalIdentifier: string external identifier of the destionation poi. path is going to end at this location. - animationType - callback
setMapWidgetConfiguration(s: string)¶
Function to use when environment or use cases do not need to use default ui components that come with the SDK or not need to enable certain features. Function gets json string as input and does not have any return type. Function must be called before map is shown. Setting the configuration when map is present does not have any effect. Check MapWidgetConfiguration for schema and example.
EventEmitter Namespace¶
Create a NativeEventEmitter
object with PTRNativeLibrary
parameter and call addListener
method to register available events. The addListener
method requires starting Pointr SDK via the start method in advance.
let nativeEventEmitter = new NativeEventEmitter(PTRNativeLibrary);
addListener(event: string, eventListener: (event) => void)¶
event: string¶
Can be one of the values here: - OnPositionManagerCalculatedLocation - OnBuildingClicked - OnSiteClicked
Corresponding event object of listener function:
For event information check the Location schema
Example usage:
nativeEventEmitter.addListener("OnPositionManagerCalculatedLocation", (location) => {console.log(location)};
For event information check the building schema
Example usage:
nativeEventEmitter.addListener("OnBuildingClicked", (building) => {console.log(building.title)};
For event information check the site schema
Example usage:
nativeEventEmitter.addListener("OnSiteClicked", (site) => {console.log(site.title)};
JSON schemas¶
"$schema": "http://pointr.tech/Location/schema#",
"title": "Location",
"description": "Serialization of native CalculatedLocation object",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"siteInternalIdentifier": {
"description": "Pointr specific identifier of a site",
"type": "integer"
"siteExternalIdentifier": {
"description": "Identifier for a site allowing third party integration",
"type": "string"
"buildingInternalIdentifier": {
"description": "Pointr specific identifier of a building",
"type": "integer"
"buildingExternalIdentifier": {
"description": "Identifier for a building allowing third party integration",
"type": "string"
"levelIndex": {
"description": "Index of the level",
"type": "integer"
"latitude": {
"description": "Latitude",
"type": "number"
"longitude": {
"description": "Longitude",
"type": "number"
"accuracy": {
"description": "Accuracy of the location in meters",
"type": "number"
"heading": {
"description": "Device heading in radians between [-PI/2, PI/2]",
"type": "number"
"required": []
"siteExternalIdentifier": "siteExternalIdentifier",
"siteInternalIdentifier" : 2,
"buildingExternalIdentifier": "buildingExternalIdentifier",
"buildingInternalIdentifier": 3,
"levelIndex": 10,
"latitude": 42.36770910711787,
"longitude": -71.02113817224804,
"accuracy": 4.8910110,
"heading": 1.2229
"$schema": "http://pointr.tech/building/schema#",
"title": "building",
"description": "Information about clicked building",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"internalIdentifier": {
"description": "Pointr specific identifier of the building",
"type": "integer"
"externalIdentifier": {
"description": "Identifier for the building allowing third party integration",
"type": "string"
"title": {
"description": "Title/Name of the building",
"type": "string"
"required": ["internalIdentifier", "externalIdentifier", "title"]
"internalIdentifier": 3,
"externalIdentifier": "office1",
"title": "Office Building 1"
"$schema": "http://pointr.tech/site/schema#",
"title": "site",
"description": "Information about clicked site",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"internalIdentifier": {
"description": "Pointr specific identifier of the site",
"type": "integer"
"externalIdentifier": {
"description": "Identifier for the site allowing third party integration",
"type": "string"
"title": {
"description": "Title/Name of the site",
"type": "string"
"required": ["internalIdentifier", "externalIdentifier", "title"]
"internalIdentifier": 3,
"externalIdentifier": "workspaces_12312",
"title": "Workspaces"
"$schema": "http://pointr.tech/mapWidgetConfiguration/schema#",
"title": "mapWidgetConfiguration",
"description": "Parameters to define visible items and available feature on map widget.",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"isLocationEnabled": {
"description": "whether or not to reflect location changes on the UI (blue dot, level selector, tracking mode, ...)",
"isSearchEnabled": {
"description": "whether or not to show the search component",
"isPoiDetailViewEnabled": {
"description": "whether or not to show poi details (does not affect highlight)",
"isRouteSummaryEnabled": {
"description": "whether or not to show route summary after poi details",
"isPathFindingEnabled": {
"description": "whether or not to enable path/way finding experience",
"isRouteHeaderViewEnabled": {
"description": "whether or not to have the header view during way finding",
"isRouteFooterViewEnabled": {
"description": "whether or not to have the footer view during way finding",
"isLevelSelectorEnabled": {
"description": "whether or not to show level selector",
"isLoadingViewEnabled": {
"description": "whether or not to show loading view",
"isMapTrackingModeButtonEnabled": {
"description": "whether or not to show the tracking mode button",
"isJoystickEnabled": {
"description": "whether or not to enable joystick or not (for debugging purposes)",
"shouldFocusOnFirstUserLocation": {
"description": "whether or not to focus on user location when first detected",
"isAppBannerEnabled": {
"description": "whether or not to show the app banner to promote",
"isExitButtonShown": {
"description": "whether or not to show exit button",
"required": []
Known issues¶
- On iOS, level selector and tracking mode button are not aligned to the bottom of the widget when
is set tofalse
. - On iOS, to hide route footer view, route header view should also be hidden, i.e. both
parameters must befalse
. - On both platforms, once a static path is drawn to the map, it is not cleared until a new path is drawn or a new call is made to one of the