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Pointr MapScale Engine Testing Guideline v1.1


This document aims to describe MapScale® Engine workflow and API testing requirements, which can be called anytime and quickly transfer map outputs into Pointr Cloud, allowing you to update map content after the automation process. With this document, you will be able to:

  • Submit your mapping projects easily directly via MapScale APIs
  • Get familiar with the MapScale APIs and its technical architecture
  • Leverage Pointr Cloud to edit your map content after MapScale digitized floor plans

Prerequisites of MapScale® Testing

  1. Store your CAD files to any cloud storage (e.g. GDrive)

    a. Supported file types: DWG, DXF, Vector PDF

  2. Access to Pointr Docs to refer to API Reference and MapScale FAQ section

  3. Access to Pointr Cloud Demo Dashboard

    a. Contact with your sales representative to register Pointr Cloud

  4. Access to Pointr Download Center to download Pointr Demo Apps (iOS/Android)

    a. Passcode for mobile apps: “try-mapscale-demo”

    b. Web SDK URL:

  5. Access to Try MapScale Internal Helper Website* (consult with Pointr representative for credentials, if needed)

* The access is required for Option 2 only.

Limitations of MapScale®

  1. The dimension of the site created via dashboard or API should not exceed 10 x 10 kilometers. Otherwise, pathfinding and publishing services might not function properly.

Workflow of MapScale® Engine

Option 1 - Processing Maps Using MapScale API


Option 2 - Processing Maps Using Try MapScale Internal Helper Website


How to Simulate MapScale® Experience

Option 1 - Processing Maps Using MapScale API

  1. Login to Pointr Docs and select v8.x from the drop down menu at the header section.
  2. Go to API Reference section and click on v8.3 to access the latest documentation of all of the version 8 endpoints, including their input/output schemas and status codes.
  3. In the API Reference document, refer to body examples for all request types if you have any questions on how to use them appropriately.
  4. Before your start, ensure that the following credentials are set correctly in your testing setup in order to authenticate successfully:

    a. Pointr Cloud Dashboard URL:

    b. Pointr Cloud API URL:

    c. Client Internal Identifier: f6ea7f86-e6b3-4687-98fa-012bd80e6613

    d. Username (Please contact your Pointr Project Manager)

    e. Password (Please contact your Pointr Project Manager)

  5. After handling your credentials and testing setup, create site, building and level information on Pointr Cloud Demo Dashboard by using the following POST actions respectively.

  6. Step 1 - Get Token: /api/v8/auth/token - POST

    a. Login for Email and Password, note that “grant_type” should be your password.

    b. After successful authentication, the response body will return an “access_token” field.

    c. In order the get authenticated to secure endpoints, use access_token value in request header “Authorization” with value “Bearer {access_token}”

  7. Step 2 - Create Site: /api/v8/clients/{clientInternalIdentifier}/sites - POST

    a. Create your unique client ID

  8. Step 3 - Create Building: /api/v8/sites/{siteInternalIdentifier}/buildings - POST

    a. Create your unique building ID

  9. Step 4 - Create Level: /api/v8/buildings/{buildingInternalIdentifier}/levels/{levelIndex} - POST

    a. Create your unique level ID(s)

  10. After following the examples of these POST requests, you should have the four key parameters at your disposal, which validates that you created your site, building and levels under Pointr Cloud Demo Dashboard successfully:

    a. clientInternalIdentifier

    b. siteInternalIdentifier

    c. buildingInternalIdentifier

    d. levelIndex

  11. As for the next step, use these credentials in Step 5 to upload your floor plans per level.

  12. Step 5 - Post Map Job: /api/v8/map-jobs - POST

    a. Use your clientInternalIdentifier, siteInternalIdentifier, buildingInternalIdentifier parameters in the “meta” section in the code example.

    b. Define your address, latitude and longitude values based on your site address in the “location” section in the code example.

    c. Enter your CAD file URL to the “floorplans” section in the code example. The file URL provided should be accessible from the public internet.

    d. Specify all your floor plan properties according to the level information:

    i.    "floorplanFileUrl": “Public File URL”,
    ii.   "floorplanFileHash": "filehash",
    iii.  "levelName": "Level 0",
    iv.   "levelIndex": “Your Level Index Parameter”,
    v.    "extraData": "Optional",
    vi.   "fileType": "DXF, PDF of DWG",
    vii.  "isGeoreferenceReady": “false”

    e. After your POST request, you will get a Map Job ID parameter.

  13. You can now track the processing status of your floor plans in Step 6 with respective status codes.

  14. Step 6 - Get Map Job ​/api​/v8​/map-jobs​/{mapJobId} - GET
Status Codes Description
0 - Rejected Your model is not valid and approved by MapScale Engine
1 - Pending Map job is waiting to be processed by MapScale Engine
2 - InProgress Map job is in progress and digitizing your floor plan
3 - AwaitingReview Map job converted your files and waiting to be reviewed by the Pointr Mapping Team
4 - Approved Map job is completed and your file is approved by Pointr Mapping Team
  1. The file submission and GeoJSON processing process will take up to 30 minutes until getting “AwaitingReview” status.
  2. The final GeoJSON output will be available with “Approved” status within 48 hours.
  3. Pointr Mapping Team will publish the maps on Pointr Cloud Demo Dashboard to make them available for your use.
  4. Once maps are available in Pointr Cloud Demo Dashboard, you can check the content through Pointr Demo apps, which can be downloaded from Pointr Download Center.

Option 2 - Processing Maps Using Try MapScale Internal Helper Website

  1. Create a site, building, and level ID that aligns with your floor plan in Pointr Cloud Demo Dashboard.
  2. Ensure IDs are not overlapping with existing facilities defined under MapScale Demo Pointr Cloud.
  3. Go to Try MapScale Internal Helper Website* and login with the credentials (consult with Pointr representative for credentials).
  4. Enter site, building and level IDs corresponding to your IDs or use the Dashboard URL link that you copied from Pointr Cloud Demo Dashboard. Ensure that you are on the “Levels’’ page before copying the URL in your address bar.

    • Example URL:

  5. Enter the link of your CAD File to MapScale Web Dashboard and click “Submit”. Please note that the URL should be accessible from the public internet.

  6. After these steps, the system will convert your floorplans into digital maps via the MapScale API automatically.
  7. You can now track the processing status of your floor plans in Step 6 with respective status codes.
  8. Step 6 - Get Map Job ​/api​/v8​/map-jobs​/{mapJobId} - GET
Status Codes Description
0 - Rejected Your model is not valid and approved by MapScale Engine
1 - Pending Map job is waiting to be processed by MapScale Engine
2 - InProgress Map job is in progress and digitizing your floor plan
3 - AwaitingReview Map job converted your files and waiting to be reviewed by the Pointr Mapping Team
4 - Approved Map job is completed and your file is approved by Pointr Mapping Team
  1. The file submission and GeoJSON processing process will take up to 30 minutes until getting “AwaitingReview” status.
  2. The final GeoJSON output will be available with “Approved” status within 48 hours.
  3. Pointr Mapping Team will publish the maps on Pointr Cloud Demo Dashboard to make them available for your use.
  4. Once maps are available in Pointr Cloud Demo Dashboard, you can check the content through Pointr Demo apps, which can be downloaded from Pointr Download Center.

Last update: February 7, 2024
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