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Configuration Parameters

To customize your SDK settings, you can easily access the Pointr Cloud Dashboard. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Access the Dashboard: Log in to your Pointr Cloud Dashboard account.
  2. Navigate to Editing Options: Once logged in, navigate to the desired level - whether it’s Client-wide, Site-specific, or Building-specific settings.
  3. Enter Advanced Configuration: Click on the “Edit” button to access the editing interface. From there, locate and click on the “Advanced Configuration” option.
  4. Add SDK Configuration: Within the Advanced Configuration menu, find the SDK section and click on the “Add new” button to begin customizing your SDK settings.


The attribute is named scope and the possible values are client, site, and building. These values represent the level at which the SDK looks for the configuration.

  • Building level configurations can be set for all buildings within a site by setting the configuration at the site level, or for all buildings of a client by setting the configuration at the client level. This means you can have building-specific or site-specific values for these items.
  • Site level configurations can be set for all sites by setting the configuration at the client level. However, if the configuration is set at the building level, it will not be considered. This means you can have site-specific values for these items.
  • Client level configurations can only be set at the client level. Setting them at the site or building level will not have any effect.

The priority of the values is building > site > client. So, if you set an item at both the building level and the site level, the building level configuration will take precedence and be used for that specific building.

Refer to the table below for detailed guidance on configuring your SDK according to your preferences.

Category Key Readable Key Description Type Default Value Range Scope Notes
Analytics analyticsConfiguration_areExpressAppEventsEnabled Enable sending of Express (Pointr Maps) app events (true / false) Whether Analytics tracking is enabled when SDK runs on an express app boolean False client
Analytics analyticsConfiguration_areMobileSDKEventsEnabled Enable sending of Mobile SDK events (true / false) Whether Analytics tracking is enabled when SDK runs on a non-express app boolean False client
App State Manager appStateManagerConfiguration_performanceModeBatterySavingThreshold Performance Mode Battery Saving Threshold (\%) When Battery charge goes below this percentage threshold, app performance mode will switch to battery saving float 0.25 0.0 - 1.0 client
App State Manager appStateManagerConfiguration_performanceModeDefault Default Performance Mode The default performance mode of the SDK string HighPerformance client
App State Manager appStateManagerConfiguration_performanceModeForced Forced Performance Mode With this configuration item, a specific performance mode can be forced string Unknown client
Banner bannerConfiguration_androidAppDescription Client App Description (Android) Client app description for Android string client
Banner bannerConfiguration_androidAppIcon Client App Banner Icon (Android) Client app banner icon in Android string client
Banner bannerConfiguration_androidAppId Client App ID (Android) Client app download url for Android string client
Banner bannerConfiguration_androidAppName Client App Name (Android) Client app name for Android string client
Banner bannerConfiguration_androidButtonTitle Client App Banner Button Title (Android) Client app banner button title in Android string client
Banner bannerConfiguration_androidDeepLinkUrlScheme Client App Deep Link URL Scheme (Android) Client app deep link url scheme in Android string client
Banner bannerConfiguration_androidPromotionText Client App Banner Promotional Text (Android) Promotional text for the client app banner in Android string client
Banner bannerConfiguration_androidShouldDisplayBanner Show Client App Banner (android) Whether to show client app banner in Android boolean False client Aliases: shouldDisplayAndroidBanner
Banner bannerConfiguration_iosAppDescription Client App Description (iOS) Client app description for iOS string client
Banner bannerConfiguration_iosAppIcon Client App Banner Icon (iOS) Client app banner icon in iOS string client
Banner bannerConfiguration_iosAppId Client App ID (iOS) Client app download url for iOS string client
Banner bannerConfiguration_iosAppName Client App Name (iOS) Client app name for iOS string client
Banner bannerConfiguration_iosButtonTitle Client App Banner Button Title (iOS) Client app banner button title in iOS string client
Banner bannerConfiguration_iosDeepLinkUrlScheme Client App Deep Link URL Scheme (iOS) Client app deep link url scheme in iOS string client
Banner bannerConfiguration_iosPromotionText Client App Banner Promotional Text (iOS) Promotional text for the client app banner in iOS string client
Banner bannerConfiguration_iosShouldDisplayBanner Show Client App Banner (iOS) Whether to show client app banner in iOS boolean False client Aliases: shouldDisplayIosBanner
Data Manager dataManagerConfiguration_dataCacheMaxAgeSeconds Data Cache Max Age (sec) Data Manager will only move to version checks only if at least this amount of seconds has passed since the last completed cycle integer 900 >= 0.0 client
Data Manager dataManagerConfiguration_isBeaconStatusesUploadEnabled Upload Native Beacon Statuses If this is true, then native beacon statuses are uploaded boolean False client
Data Manager dataManagerConfiguration_isNativeFeatureAvailabilityUploadEnabled Upload Native Feature States If this is true, then native feature states are uploaded boolean False client
Geofence Manager geofenceManagerConfiguration_betweenScanPeriodBackground Period Between Beacon Scans in Background Scanning period while the app is in the background integer 300000 >= 0.0 client
Geofence Manager geofenceManagerConfiguration_betweenScanPeriodForeground Period Between Beacon Scans in Foreground Scanning period while the app is in the foreground integer 0 >= 0.0 client
Geofence Manager geofenceManagerConfiguration_geofenceRecheckingPeriodInSeconds Geofence Rechecking Period (sec) Period of rechecking geofences in seconds float 60.0 >= 1.0 client
Geofence Manager geofenceManagerConfiguration_geofencesToRegisterMaxCountAndroid Max. Number of Geofences to Register (Android) The maximum number of geofences to register with native services (Android only) integer 100 0.0 - 100.0 client
Geofence Manager geofenceManagerConfiguration_geofencesToRegisterMaxCountIos Max. Number of Geofences to Register (iOS) The maximum number of geofences to register with native services (iOS only) integer 10 0.0 - 20.0 client
Geofence Manager geofenceManagerConfiguration_geofencesToRegisterMaxDistanceInMeters Geofence Register Max. Distance (m) The maximum distance to current location of the geofences that are selected to be registered with native geofencing services float 50000.0 >= 100.0 client
Geofence Manager geofenceManagerConfiguration_globalGeofenceDistanceToleranceForEnter Global Geofence Distance Tolerance for Enter Event Geofence is expanded/shrunk by X percentage (of the geofence’s approximate radius) for detecting Enter float 1.5 >= 0.0 client
Geofence Manager geofenceManagerConfiguration_globalGeofenceDistanceToleranceForExit Global Geofence Distance Tolerance for Exit Event Geofence is expanded/shrunk by X percentage (of the geofence’s approximate radius) for detecting Exit float 3.0 >= 0.0 client
Geofence Manager geofenceManagerConfiguration_globalGeofenceIgnorePeriodSinceLastTriggerInSeconds Global Geofence Ignore Period Since Last Trigger (sec) Geofences that have a state change within the value of this setting will not fire an event. In seconds float 30.0 >= 0.0 client
Geofence Manager geofenceManagerConfiguration_isGlobalGeofencingEnabled Enable Global Geofences Enable/Disable global geofences boolean True client
Geofence Manager geofenceManagerConfiguration_isGlobalGeofencingNativeOnlyAndroid Enable Native Only Global Geofencing (Android) If this is true, then global geofencing logic relies only on native geofencing (for Android) boolean True client
Geofence Manager geofenceManagerConfiguration_isGlobalGeofencingNativeOnlyIos Enable Native Only Global Geofencing (iOS) If this is true, then global geofencing logic relies only on native geofencing (for iOS) boolean True client
Geofence Manager geofenceManagerConfiguration_isLevelGeofencingEnabled Enable Level Geofences Enable/Disable level geofences boolean True client
Geofence Manager geofenceManagerConfiguration_levelGeofenceDistanceToleranceForEnter Level Geofence Distance Tolerance for Enter Event Geofence is expanded/shrunk by X percentage (of the geofence’s approximate radius) for detecting Enter float 0.0 >= 0.0 client
Geofence Manager geofenceManagerConfiguration_levelGeofenceDistanceToleranceForExit Level Geofence Distance Tolerance for Exit Event Geofence is expanded/shrunk by X percentage (of the geofence’s approximate radius) for detecting Exit float 0.0 >= 0.0 client
Geofence Manager geofenceManagerConfiguration_levelGeofenceIgnorePeriodSinceLastTriggerInSeconds Level Geofence Ignore Period Since Last Trigger (sec) Geofences that have a state change within the value of this setting will not fire an event. In seconds float 30.0 >= 0.0 client
Geofence Manager geofenceManagerConfiguration_locationWorstAccuracyAccepted Worst Valid Location Accuracy (m) Location updates with accuracy worse than this value will be ignored (in meters) float 1000.0 >= 100.0 client
Geofence Manager geofenceManagerConfiguration_scanPeriodBackground Beacon Scanning Period in Background Scanning period while the app is in the background integer 10000 >= 0.0 client
Geofence Manager geofenceManagerConfiguration_scanPeriodForeground Beacon Scanning Period in Foreground Scanning period while the app is in the foreground integer 1100 >= 0.0 client
Geofence Manager geofenceManagerConfiguration_significantGPSChangeThresholdInMeters Significant GPS Change Threshold (m) How much distance in meters is considered a significant change of GPS float 1000.0 >= 20.0 client
Path Manager pathManagerConfiguration_areTurnDirectionsEnabled Enable Turn Directions Whether to produce turn directions for wayfinding. boolean True building
Path Manager pathManagerConfiguration_arrivalThreshold Arrival Threshold (m) Distance threshold for path session arrival for indoor destinations (in meters) float 4.0 0.0 - 100.0 building Aliases: arrivalThresholdInMetres, arrivalThresholdInMeters
Path Manager pathManagerConfiguration_closestPathCalculationLimit Multiple Destinations Path Calculation Limit (count) The number of nearest destinations to consider for multiple destinations pathfinding integer 3 >= 1.0 site
Path Manager pathManagerConfiguration_directionsUpdateIntervalInSeconds Path Directions Update Interval (sec) Path directions update period (in seconds) (overridden in case of a major path update) float 1.0 >= 0.01 building
Path Manager pathManagerConfiguration_isRouteSmoothingEnabled Enable Route Smoothing Whether to post-process and smooth the route. boolean True building Aliases: isPathSmoothingEnabled
Path Manager pathManagerConfiguration_outdoorArrivalThreshold Outdoor Arrival Threshold (m) Distance threshold for path session arrival for outdoor destinations (in meters) float 10.0 0.0 - 100.0 site
Path Manager pathManagerConfiguration_outdoorRerouteDistance Reroute Outdoor Distance (m) A reroute is triggered if the distance between the blue dot and the current route exceeds this threshold (in meters). This parameter controls the behavior for outdoors. float 20.0 0.0 - 1000.0 site
Path Manager pathManagerConfiguration_pathCalculationFailureToleranceInSeconds Path Calculation Failure Tolerance (sec) Time required to pass after last successful path calculation to fail a path session (in seconds) float 600.0 >= 0.0 building Aliases: pathCalculationFailureTolerance
Path Manager pathManagerConfiguration_pathfindingPeriodInSeconds Path Session Update Period (sec) Path session path update period (in seconds) float 0.1 >= 0.01 site Aliases: pathfindingPeriod
Path Manager pathManagerConfiguration_rerouteDistance Reroute Distance (m) A reroute is triggered if the distance between the blue dot and the current route exceeds this threshold (in meters). This parameter controls the behavior for indoors. float 10.0 0.0 - 1000.0 building
Path Manager pathManagerConfiguration_shouldConnectDisconnectedTransitions Connect Disconnected Transitions Whether to auto-connect transitions that are disconnected from the wayfinding network. boolean True site
Poi Manager poiManagerConfiguration_categories POI Categories Used to populate the quick access categories string client
Poi Manager poiManagerConfiguration_shouldIncludeDefaultLanguageInPoiResults Enable Default Language Matches in POI Results Determines whether default language matches are included in the search results boolean True client
Position Manager positionManagerConfiguration_activityType Activity Type for OS Location Services Preferred activity type for OS location services integer 2 1.0 - 5.0 client
Position Manager positionManagerConfiguration_beaconPowerLevel Beacon Transmission Power Level Configured Bluetooth beacon transmission power level (between 1-9) integer 4 1.0 - 9.0 building
Position Manager positionManagerConfiguration_beaconSilenceTimeInSeconds Beacon Silence Time (sec) Time to spend in beacon silence before stopping positioning (in seconds) float 60.0 >= 0.0 site
Position Manager positionManagerConfiguration_compassHeadingAccuracy Compass Heading Accuracy (rad) Compass heading accuracy (in radians). It corresponds to the standard deviation of the spread, so this will be visualized as an arc twice the size of this value. float 1.25 0.0 - pi site
Position Manager positionManagerConfiguration_gpsAccuracyModeInBackground GPS Accuracy Mode In Background Preferred GPS accuracy in app background state integer 4 1.0 - 7.0 client
Position Manager positionManagerConfiguration_gpsAccuracyModeInForeground GPS Accuracy Mode In Foreground Preferred GPS accuracy in app foreground state integer 2 1.0 - 7.0 client
Position Manager positionManagerConfiguration_gpsDistanceFilter GPS Distance Filter (m) (iOS only) Distance to be covered before triggering a GPS update (in meters) float -1.0 >= -1.0 client
Position Manager positionManagerConfiguration_gpsFastestUpdateIntervalInSecondsInBackground GPS Fastest Update Interval In Background (sec) Fastest GPS location update interval in app background state (in seconds) float 2.0 >= 0.0 client
Position Manager positionManagerConfiguration_gpsFastestUpdateIntervalInSecondsInForeground GPS Fastest Update Interval In Foreground (sec) Fastest GPS location update interval in app foreground state (in seconds) float 1.0 >= 0.0 client
Position Manager positionManagerConfiguration_gpsSilenceTimeInSeconds GPS Silence Time (sec) Time to spend in GPS silence before stopping positioning (in seconds) float 120.0 >= 0.0 site
Position Manager positionManagerConfiguration_gpsUpdateIntervalInSecondsInBackground GPS Update Interval In Background (sec) Typical GPS location update interval in app background state (in seconds) float 6.0 >= 0.0 client
Position Manager positionManagerConfiguration_gpsUpdateIntervalInSecondsInForeground GPS Update Interval In Foreground (sec) Typical GPS location update interval in app foreground state (in seconds) float 3.0 >= 0.0 client
Position Manager positionManagerConfiguration_isBackgroundPositioningEnabled Enable Background Positioning Whether beacon-based positioning is enabled in the app background state boolean False client Aliases: shouldEnablePositioningInBackground
Position Manager positionManagerConfiguration_isCompassEnabled Enable Compass Whether compass heading should be shown before high accuracy heading is available. It is also advised to set magneticDeclination parameter for improved compass heading accuracy. boolean True site
Position Manager positionManagerConfiguration_isCoreBluetoothEnabled Enable CoreBluetooth Whether CoreBluetooth is enabled boolean False client
Position Manager positionManagerConfiguration_isCoreLocationEnabled Enable CoreLocation Whether CoreLocation is enabled for location (beacons or GPS) input boolean True client
Position Manager positionManagerConfiguration_isCoreMotionEnabled Enable CoreMotion Whether CoreMotion is enabled for motion sensors input boolean True client
Position Manager positionManagerConfiguration_isGpsTrackingEnabledInBackground Enable GPS Tracking in Background Whether GPS is enabled in the app background state boolean False client
Position Manager positionManagerConfiguration_isGpsTrackingEnabledInForeground Enable GPS Tracking in Foreground Whether GPS is enabled in the app foreground state boolean True client Aliases: isGpsEnabled, isGpsTrackingEnabled
Position Manager positionManagerConfiguration_magneticDeclination Magnetic Declination (deg) Magnetic declination of the site (in degrees). Positive values mean Easterly declination. This value is used to improve compass heading accuracy. float 0.0 0.0 - 360.0 site
Position Manager positionManagerConfiguration_outdoorBuildingInternalIdentifier Outdoor Building Internal Identifier Internal identifier of the building assigned to outdoor locations integer -999999 site Aliases: outdoorFacilityInternalIdentifier
Position Manager positionManagerConfiguration_outdoorLevelIndex Outdoor Level Index Index of the level assigned to outdoor locations, if outdoor building assignment is enabled integer 0 site
Position Manager positionManagerConfiguration_shouldAllowLandscapeDeviceOrientations Enable Landscape Device Orientations Whether to allow and consider landscape orientations for heading calculation. Disabling this will assume portrait orientation always. boolean False site
Position Manager positionManagerConfiguration_useBuildingGeometriesAsOutdoorObstacles Use Building Geometries as Outdoor Obstacles Whether to use building geometries as obstacles to be avoided by the blue dot when outdoors boolean False site
Product productConfiguration_analytics Enable Analytics boolean False client
Product productConfiguration_analyticsPlus Enable Analytics Plus boolean False client
Product productConfiguration_assetTracking Enable Asset Tracking boolean False client
Product productConfiguration_bluedotGeofence Enable Bluedot Geofence boolean False client
Product productConfiguration_mapsWayfinding Enable Maps Wayfinding boolean False client
Product productConfiguration_mapsWayfindingPlus Enable Maps Wayfinding Plus boolean False client
Sdk sdkConfiguration_baseUrl Base URL Base url of Pointr Cloud instance string client
Sdk sdkConfiguration_clientIdentifier Client Identifier Client GUID string client
Sdk sdkConfiguration_isWhiteLabel Is White Label If the app is white label or not boolean False client
Sdk sdkConfiguration_mapBaseUrl Map Base URL Base url for map tiles in map widget string client
Sdk sdkConfiguration_styleJsonUrl Style JSON URL style.json file used for map widget string client
Sdk sdkConfiguration_styleJsonUrlWithContent Style JSON URL with Content style.json url with content used for map widget string client
Sdk sdkConfiguration_uuidList UUID List List of Beacon UUIDs stringList [] client
Theme themeConfiguration_alertColor Alert Color The alert color in HEX format string FAB735 client
Theme themeConfiguration_backgroundColor Background Color The background color in HEX format string FFFFFF client
Theme themeConfiguration_dangerColor Danger Color The danger color in HEX format string E43458 client
Theme themeConfiguration_foregroundColor Foreground Color The foreground color in HEX format string 17191C client
Theme themeConfiguration_infoColor Info Color The info color in HEX format string 42A5D7 client
Theme themeConfiguration_successColor Success Color The success color in HEX format string 28CC7A client
Theme themeConfiguration_themeColor Theme Color The theme color in HEX format string 346DF1 client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_accessibilityAnnouncePeriodInSec Accessibility Announce Period (sec) Duration in seconds to repeat the same announcements, in accessibility mode. integer 10 >= 0.0 client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_appLogoUrl App Logo URL App Logo URL string client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_categorySymbolFrame Category Symbol Frame Type What frame to use behind category symbols none (0), circle (1), rounded (2), square (3) integer 2 >= 0.0 client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_defaultLocationZoomLevel Default Location Zoom Level Default zoom level to use while focusing to any location. float 18.0 0.0 - 24.0 client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_defaultOutdoorLocationZoomLevel Default Outdoor Location Zoom Level The default zoom level for outdoors float 18.0 0.0 - 24.0 client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_disableScreenDimDuringWayfinding Disable Screen Dim During Wayfinding If whether the screen should not be dimmed during wayfinding. boolean True client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_disconnectedIndoorPathDistanceThresholdInMeters Disconnected Indoor Path Distance Threshold (m) float 11.0 >= 0.0 client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_disconnectedOutdoorPathDistanceThresholdInMeters Disconnected Outdoor Path Distance Threshold (m) float 21.0 >= 0.0 client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_distanceUnit Distance Unit What type of units should be used for distance in the UI integer 0 >= 0.0 client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_enableDynamicMinimumZoomLevel Enable Dynamic Minimum Zoom Level If set true, minimumZoomLevel is dynamically calculated to a value enough to see the whole site boolean True client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_flyOverAnimationDuration Fly Over Animation Duration (sec) Duration in seconds it takes to do the loading fly over animation. float 3.0 0.0 - 10.0 client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_flyOverAnimationHeading Fly Over Animation Heading Heading of the map at the end of the fy over animation. float 0.0 0.0 - 360.0 client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_flyOverTiltAngleInDegrees Fly Over Tilt Angle (deg) float 45.0 0.0 - 360.0 client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_infoPageUrl Info Page URL Info Page URL string client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_isCategorySymbolThemeEnabled Category Symbol Theme Enabled Whether the category symbols are affected by the theme. boolean True client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_isInfoButtonEnabled Info Button Enabled Whether to enable the info button or not boolean True client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_isMarkMyCarEnabled Mark my car Enabled Whether mark my car feature is enabled. boolean True client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_isNavigationHeaderThemeAccentColor Navigation Header is Theme Accent Color If whether the navigation header color is accent color from theme. boolean True client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_isOfflineMapsEnabled Enable Offline Maps Enable/Disable offline maps feature boolean True client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_isOnboardingEnabled Onboarding Enabled Whether to enable onboarding or not boolean True client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_isRatingPopupEnabled Rating Popup Enabled Whether the rate experience pop-up is enabled. Analytics also need to be enabled. boolean True client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_isSearchCategoriesEnabled Enable Search Categories If whether the categories search UI is enabled. boolean True client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_isSplashScreenEnabled Splash Screen Enabled Whether to enable the splash screen or not boolean False client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_mapWidgetLocationDataTimeoutInSeconds Map Widget Location Data Timeout (sec) After how much time map widget will timeout waiting for location data (seconds). integer 20 >= 5.0 client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_mapWidgetMapTilesTimeoutInSeconds Map Widget Map Tiles Timeout (sec) After how much time map widget will timeout waiting for map tiles (seconds). integer 30 >= 5.0 client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_mapWidgetMapUrlTimeoutInSeconds Map Widget Map URL Timeout (sec) After how much time map widget will timeout waiting for map url (seconds). integer 30 >= 5.0 client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_mapWidgetPathDataTimeoutInSeconds Map Widget Path Data Timeout (sec) After how much time map widget will timeout waiting for path data (seconds). integer 30 >= 5.0 client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_mapWidgetPoiDataTimeoutInSeconds Map Widget POI Data Timeout (sec) After how much time map widget will timeout waiting for poi data (seconds). integer 30 >= 3.0 client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_mapWidgetSiteDataTimeoutInSeconds Map Widget Site Data Timeout (sec) After how much time map widget will timeout waiting for site data (seconds). integer 60 >= 5.0 client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_maximumZoomLevel Max Zoom Scale Maximum zoom level allowed for the map float 18.5 0.0 - 24.0 client Aliases: maxZoomScale
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_minimumZoomLevel Min Zoom Scale Minimum zoom level allowed for the map float 16.0 0.0 - 24.0 client Aliases: minZoomScale
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_pathColor Path Color The color of the displayed path in HEX format string 0080FF client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_pathDirectionThresholdInMeters Path Direction Threshold (meters) Distance left to the next path direction, before we stop showing remaining float 5.0 >= 0.0 client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_pathTrackingTiltAngleInDegrees Path Tracking Tilt Angle (deg) float 45.0 0.0 - 360.0 client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_pathWidth Path Width The width of the displayed path in points float 8.0 >= 0.1 client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_privacyPolicyUrl Privacy Policy URL Privacy Policy URL string client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_quickAccessTiltAngleInDegrees Quick Access Tilt Angle (deg) float 45.0 0.0 - 360.0 client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_rotationalTrackingCameraAngleThreshold Rotational Tracking Camera Angle Threshold (deg) How much the blue dot heading needs to change in order for the camera to rotate. float 10.0 0.0 - 180.0 client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_shouldFocusOnFirstUserLocation Focus on First User Location If this parameter is true, then the map will focus on the user location when it first becomes available even if the user is browsing a different building boolean True client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_supportEmail Support Email Support Email string client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_termsAndConditionsUrl Terms and Conditions URL Terms and Conditions URL string client
User Interface userInterfaceConfiguration_turnBackAngleThresholdInDegrees Turn Back Angle Threshold (deg) float 120.0 0.0 - 360.0 client

Last update: October 11, 2024
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