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Pointr Web SDK Events

This guide offers detailed information on events triggered by the Pointr Web SDK, covering UI components like MapView, LevelSelectorView, and ZoomSelectorView. Developers can manage interactions such as map clicks, zoom actions, and POI selections. Each section lists event types, triggers, and relevant data, with examples on managing event lifecycles for dynamic application responses. This resource is valuable for developers customizing or implementing interactive features using Pointr’s SDK in kiosks, websites, or wayfinding systems.

Sample usage of events:

const uiController = pointrWeb.getUiController();
const mapViewController = uiController.getMapViewController();
const mapView = mapViewController.getView();
const events =;
const callback1 = () => {
  console.log("Map shown!");
mapView.on(events.viewShown, callback1);

// event with data
const callback2 = (newLevel) => {
  console.log("Map level changed to ", newLevel);
mapView.on(events.levelChanged, callback2);

Sample usage of detaching events:

const uiController = pointrWeb.getUiController();
const mapViewController = uiController.getMapViewController();
const mapView = mapViewController.getView();
const events =;
const callback = (newLevel) => {
  console.log("***Map level changed to ", newLevel);
mapView.on(events.levelChanged, callback);
// Event will be removed after 10 seconds
setTimeout(() => {, callback);
}, 10 * 1000);

MapWidget Events

const events =;
MapWidget Events Trigger conditions Additional data
events.dataLoaded When all data needed for SDK gets loaded successfully. None.

MapView Events

Available events for the MapView component can be accessed as follows:

const events = pointrWeb
MapView Events Trigger conditions Additional data
events.viewShown When the map view is shown. None.
events.viewHidden When the map view is hidden. None.
events.levelChanged When the map level is changed. (Number) new levelIndex
events.zoom When the map zoom level is changed. It fires instantly when the zoom level is changed. (Number) new zoom level
events.zoomChanged When the map zoom level is changed. It fires after zoom changes are completed. (Number) new zoom level
events.mapIdle When the map component completes all ongoing tasks (loading animations, camera changing activity, tile loading) and goes into an idle state. None.
events.mapClicked When the map is clicked. Array of geojson features that are clicked. If no feature available, it will be an empty array.
events.mapLongClicked When the map is long clicked. (Available after 8.1.0) (Object) {lngLat: {lng: Number, lat: Number}, point: {x: Number, y: Number} }
events.infoClicked When the info button is clicked. (Available after 8.14) None.
events.locationMarked When a location is marked on the map after long click. (Available after 8.1.0) (Object) Feature Object of the marked location.
events.poiClicked When a Point of Interest (POI) is clicked. (Object) Poi Object of the clicked POI.
events.poiHighlighted When a Point of Interest (POI) is highlighted. (Object) Poi Object of the highlighted POI.
events.poiUnhighlighted When a Point of Interest (POI) is unhighlighted. None.
events.mapReady When the map is ready to be used and completed its initialization. None.
events.mapMoveStart When the map starts moving. None.
events.mapMoveEnd When the map stops moving. None.
events.currentSiteChanged When the current site is changed. (Object) {oldSite: Site Object, newSite: Site Object}
events.currentBuildingChanged When the current building is changed. (Object) {oldCurrentBuilding: Building Object, newCurrentBuilding: Building Object}
events.routesShown When the routes are shown on the map. None.
events.exitClicked When the site/building exit button is clicked. None.

LevelSelectorView Events

Available events for the LevelSelectorView component can be accessed as follows:

const events = pointrWeb
LevelSelectorView Events Trigger conditions Additional data
events.viewShown When the level selector view is shown. None.
events.viewHidden When the level selector view is hidden. None.
events.levelSelected When a level is selected. (Number) index of the selected level on the selector

ZoomSelectorView Events

Available events for the ZoomSelectorView component can be accessed as follows:

const events = pointrWeb
ZoomSelectorView Events Trigger conditions Additional data
events.viewShown When the zoom selector view is shown. None.
events.viewHidden When the zoom selector view is hidden. None.
events.zoomIn When the zoom in button is clicked. None.
events.zoomOut When the zoom out button is clicked. None.

Available events for the SearchView component can be accessed as follows:

const events = pointrWeb
SearchView Events Trigger conditions Additional data
events.viewShown When the search view is shown. None.
events.viewHidden When the search view is hidden. None.
events.searchSelected When the search input view is selected. None.
events.poiSelected When a Point of Interest (POI) is selected from the search results. (Number,String) If a poi is selected it will return fid of the selected poi. If a building is selected it will return the building id.
events.searchCleared When the search input is cleared. None.
events.resultsPopulated When the search results are populated. None.
events.querySearched When a query is searched. (String) query string that is searched.
events.routeButtonClicked When the route button is clicked. None.
events.goBackButtonClicked When the back button is clicked. None.
events.buildingFilterSelected When a building filter is selected. (Number) selected building id.
events.searchResultsShown When the search results are shown. None.

PoiDetailsView Events

Available events for the PoiDetailsView component can be accessed as follows:

const events = pointrWeb
PoiDetailsView Events Trigger conditions Additional data
events.viewShown When the Point of Interest (POI) details view is shown. None.
events.viewHidden When the Point of Interest (POI) details view is hidden. None.
events.closeClicked When the close button is clicked. None.
events.routeButtonClicked When the route button is clicked. None.
events.poiButtonClicked When one of the buttons on the POI Details view is clicked. (Available after 8.4.0) (Object) { name: String, action: String, intent: String, iconUrl: String }.

Available events for the NavigationView component can be accessed as follows:

const events = pointrWeb
NavigationView Events Trigger conditions Additional data
events.viewShown When the navigation view is shown. None.
events.viewHidden When the navigation view is hidden. None.
events.startSelected When the start POI or Point is selected. (Object) Poi or Feature object. If selection is a POI, it will return the POI object. If selection is a custom point, it will return the feature object.
events.destinationSelected When the destination POI or Point is selected. (Object) Poi or Feature object. If selection is a POI, it will return the POI object. If selection is a custom point, it will return the feature object.
events.navigateClicked When the navigate button is clicked. (String, String) names of the start and destination POIs.
events.routeChanged When the route is changed. None.
events.navigationCancelled When the Directions (navigation) is cancelled using start/destination edit buttons. None.
events.navigationClosed When the Directions (navigation) is closed using the X button or the top right Close directions button. None.
events.previousStepSelected When the previous step button is clicked. None.
events.nextStepSelected When the next step button is clicked. None.
events.inputsSwapped When the start and destination inputs are swapped. None.
events.queryChanged When the search query is changed in the navigation view. (Object) {query: String, type: String("start","destination")}
events.startObjectCanceled When the start object is cancelled. None.
events.destinationObjectCanceled When the destination object is cancelled. None.

CategoryListView Events

Available events for the CategoryListView component can be accessed as follows:

const events = pointrWeb
CategoryListView Events Trigger conditions Additional data
events.viewShown When the category list view is shown. None.
eevents.viewHidde When the category list view is hidden. None.
events.categorySelected When a category is selected. (Object) {iconUrl: String, title: String, typeCodes: Array of String}.

PoiCardsView Events

Available events for the PoiCardsView component can be accessed as follows:

const events = pointrWeb
PoiCardsView Events Trigger conditions Additional data
events.viewShown When the Point of Interest (POI) cards view is shown. None.
events.viewHidden When the Point of Interest (POI) cards view is hidden. None.
events.poiSelected When a Point of Interest (POI)’s detail button is clicked (String) fid of the selected POI.
events.resultsPopulated When the Point of Interest (POI) cards are populated. None.
events.routeButtonClicked When the route button is clicked. None.
events.goBackButtonClicked When the back button is clicked. None.
events.poiViewed When a Point of Interest (POI) is highlighted. (String) fid of the selected POI.

LanguageSelectorView Events

Available events for the LanguageSelectorView component can be accessed as follows:

const events = pointrWeb
PoiCardsView Events Trigger conditions Additional data
events.viewShown When the language selector view is shown. None.
events.viewHidden When the language selector view is hidden. None.
events.languageSelected When a language is selected.(Available after v8.2.0) (Object) {title: String, code: String}
events.expanded events.expanded None.
events.shrunk When the language selector view is shrunk. None.

RatingView Events

const events = pointrWeb
PoiCardsView Events Trigger conditions Additional data
events.viewShown When the view is shown. (Available after v8.14.0) None.
events.viewHidden When the view is hidden. (Available after v8.14.0) None.
events.feedbackSubmitted When a feedback is submitted. (Available after v8.14.0) None.
events.dismissed**: fires when the rating popup is dismissed. (Available after v8.14.0) None.

InfoView Events

const events = pointrWeb
PoiCardsView Events Trigger conditions Additional data
events.viewShown When the view is shown. (Available after v8.14.0) None.
events.viewHidden When the view is hidden. (Available after v8.14.0) None.

LoadingView Events

const events = pointrWeb
PoiCardsView Events Trigger conditions Additional data
events.viewShown When the view is shown. None.
events.viewHidden When the view is hidden. None.
events.errorShown When the error page is shown. None.
events.errorHidden When the error page is hidden. None.
events.errorClosed When the close icon on the error popup is clicked. None.

WelcomeView Events

const events = pointrWeb
PoiCardsView Events Trigger conditions Additional data
events.viewShown When the view is shown. (Available after v8.14.0) None.
events.viewHidden When the view is hidden. (Available after v8.14.0) None.
events.closeClicked When the close icon is clicked. (Available after v8.14.0) None.

Listener Pattern

Listener pattern is a very popular pattern in MVC design paradigm and most mobile frameworks. Pointr SDKs make heavy use of this pattern throughout the code. The most likely you will encounter this pattern is when working with Managers. Most managers (if not all) use this pattern to advertise events to their listeners.

For example, PoiManager advertises when new POI data is available through its onPoiManagerChangedPoisForSite callback method. Any party interested in the latest POI data should

  • Add itself as a listener to PoiManager - eg. PoiManager.addListener(self)
  • Implement callbacks of interest1 in your class

For all available callbacks, examine the relevant Listener class - eg. PoiManager’s callbacks are defined in PoiManager.Listener


To avoid any race condition, always add listener before checking state/content. See below:

✅ Correct implementation

var pois = Pointr.shared.poiManager.pois(...)

In this implementation, you always ensure you have the latest data

❌ Incorrect implementation

(1) var pois = Pointr.shared.poiManager.pois(...)
(2) Pointr.shared.poiManager.addListener(...)
In this implementation, there is a risk that you may miss the callback, in case the update happens just after (1) and before (2) due to multi-threading.

1: Javascript and Swift allows you to implement as many callbacks as you are interested in whilst Java and Kotlin force you to implement all callbacks.

Last update: September 13, 2024
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