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Quick start - Pointr Web SDK


  • An HTML file that contains links to pointrwebsdk.js and pointr.css
  • apiUrl
  • clientInternalIdentifier
  • clientSecret


To obtain these credentials please contact your Pointr Project Manager or use the sample credentials in our sample project.

Add the SDK to your own project

  • Add the link for Pointr style, jquery and pointrwebsdk script inside head tag
  • On document ready, create an object of PointrWebSDK.Options with apiUrl, clientInternalIdentifier and clientSecret.
  • Create PointrWebSDK.MapWidget(options) object with options you created in previous step.

Display Map

  • Call start function of the MapWidget object
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
        const options = new PointrWebSDK.Options({
          container: "pointr-map",
          apiUrl: "", // Replace with your API URL
          clientInternalIdentifier: "72df7035-cdea-4c19-93b8-6deff5177894", // Replace with your Client Internal Identifier
          clientSecret: "c93f0101-36ed-4129-8f95-558f4cd8e82f", // Replace with your Client Secret Key
          siteInternalIdentifier: 2, // Optional field
        const pointrWeb = new PointrWebSDK.MapWidget(options);
  • This code will add Pointr Web SDK to the container with id “pointr-map” (will create if cannot find).
  • If everything is running successfully, your site or building maps (along with the points of interest) should be displayed on the browser.


Required Options:

By minimum, you need to set these options:

  • apiUrl: URL of your Pointr Cloud instance
  • clientInternalIdentifier: clientInternalIdentifier provided by Pointr_
  • clientSecret: clientSecret provided by Pointr

Extra options

Option Type Default Value Description
buildingExternalIdentifier String null External ID value of the building to initialize Pointr Web SDK. If this is provided, the map will start displaying that building. It requires siteInternalIdentifier as a prerequisite.
buildingInternalIdentifier Integer null Internal ID value of the building to initialize Pointr Web SDK. If this is provided, the map will start displaying that building. It requires siteInternalIdentifier as a prerequisite.
categories Array of objects null This option is only available on v8.3.x. Please use sdk configuration from dashboard if you’re v8.4.0 or newer version user. A structured object to create a quick directory using predefined categories and filters for easier navigation. For more information check the Quick Directory guideline. Prerequisite: shouldEnableSearch should be true.
container String “pointr-map” ID of the DOM element to insert Pointr maps.
highlightPoiIdentifier String null Point of interest (POI) ID to initialize Web SDK. If provided map will highlight given POI and it will zoom to POI and it will display details of poi. To use highlightPoiIdentifier it is required to add siteInternalIdentifier and buildingInternalIdentifier.
initialZoomLevel Float null Starting zoom level for the map. It should be between mapMaxZoom and mapMinZoom. At low zoom levels, a small set of map tiles covers a large geographical area. At higher zoom levels, a larger number of tiles cover a smaller geographical area.
languageCode String “en_US” Language code application will use if browser language isn’t a supported language.
languageList Array of strings []
Note: It means all supported languages
- Available after v8.2.0. (Arabic available after v8.8.0)
- All possible language codes:
["en_GB", "en_US", "de", "fr", "el", "es", "hi", "ar", "tr", "pt", "zh_CN", "zh_TW"]
Note: Check here to see all languages.
levelIndex Integer null level index value of the level to initialize Pointr Web SDK. If this is provided, the map will start displaying that level. It requires buildingInternalIdentifier as a prerequisite.
mapMaxZoom Float 23
Note: Max: 23
Maximum zoom (tile) level supported for the map.
mapMinZoom Float 1
Note: Min: 1
Minimum zoom (tile) level supported for the map.
navigationDestinationPoi String null POI ID to set destination POI for Directions (navigation).
navigationStartPoi String null POI ID to set the start POI for Directions (navigation).
shouldEnableLanguageSelector Boolean false Available after v8.2.0. Flag to enable / disable language selector view. Language selector doesn’t affect to language on the map it only replaces static texts. When it is enabled it uses browser’s language. If browser’s language isn’t a supported language it starts with languageCode option. If no languageCode is provided it uses default language(English (USA))
shouldEnableNavigation Boolean true Flag to enable / disable routing directions (navigation).
shouldEnablePoiDetails Boolean true Flag to enable / disable POI Details View.
Note: You can still get POI details by using the relevant Apis. This flag merely affects whether to display (or not) the default PoiDetailsView component on the screen.
shouldEnableSearch Boolean true Flag to enable / disable SearchView.
Note: You can still perform a search by calling the search(…) API. This flag merely affects whether to display (or not) the default SearchView component on the screen.
shouldEnableZoomControls Boolean true Flag to enable / disable Zoom Controls.
Note: You can still zoom by using the relevant Apis. This flag merely affects whether to display (or not) the default ZoomSelectorView component on the screen.
shouldStartAccessibilityEnabled Boolean  false Flag to enable accessibility toggle.(Available after v8.14.0)
siteExternalIdentifier String null External ID value of the site to initialize Pointr Web SDK. If this is rovided, the map will start displaying that site.
siteInternalIdentifier Integer null Internal ID value of the site to initialize Pointr Web SDK. If this is provided, the map will start displaying that site.

Methods and models on “PointrWebSDK”

Methods and Models Description
MapWidget Main object on Pointr Web SDK which accepts Options object and provides high-level methods.
Options Options model class which accepts parameters to start Pointr Web SDK with
LatLng LatLng model class which accepts dictionary with lat and lng keys
Level Level model class accepts dictionary with levelIndex, levelTitle, and levelDescription keys
Site Site model class which accepts dictionary with siteInternalIdentifier, siteExternalIdentifier, and buildings keys
Building Building model class which accepts dictionary with buildingTitle, buildingExternalIdentifier, buildingInternalIdentifier, siteInternalIdentifier, and levels keys
Feature A geojson feature model. Accepts properties, geometry, id
Poi Points of interest model. Accepts data with properties and geometry
NavigationModes To set navigation modes: DEFAULT, COMFORTABLE, ACCESSIBLE
CircleLayer Layer for custom drawing. Please check this page
FillExtrusionLayer Layer for custom drawing. Please check this page
FillLayer Layer for custom drawing. Please check this page
SymbolLayer Layer for custom drawing. Please check this page
Popup Marker Popup.Please check this page

Available Languages and Language Codes

  • English (US): “en_US”
  • English (UK): “en_GB”
  • German: “de”
  • French: “fr”
  • Greek: “el”
  • Spanish: “es”
  • Hindi: “hi”
  • Turkish: “tr”
  • Portuguese: “pt”
  • Chinese (Simplified): “zh_CN”
  • Chinese (Traditional): “zh_TW”

Known Limitations

Pointr Web SDK has a different purpose compared to Pointr Mobile SDK, most of its limitations are tied to the limitations of browsers themselves. As such our two different SDKs have different possible uses.

The first major limitation is the fact that Pointr Maps Platform technology relies on Bluetooth (Low Energy variant) to calculate the Bluedot position, but the HTML standards for Bluetooth are not finished yet, and considered highly experimental, only some browsers accept it. On Apple mobile devices no browsers allow it, thus the Web SDK is not able to do Bluedot location, realtime wayfinding or generating notifications based on positioning.

The second major limitation is that on mobile devices browsers are not allowed to do processing while their User Interface is not visible on the screen, as such the Web SDK doesn’t attempt to do anything on the “background”.

A final limitation is tied to offline capabilities, major browsers (including Chrome and Firefox) removed some features that were needed for offline capabilities, as such Pointr WebSDK has no official support for working offline.

What can be done with WebSDK and where it excels, is display maps on kiosks or websites, and displays static wayfinding routes. This is commonly used as an interactive diagram for visitors to find their path while interacting with a wall-mounted display.

Last update: September 9, 2024
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